Monday, May 14 – D DAY

TODAY and Wednesday 8th graders will be taking their STE MCAS. Please make sure you bring to your testing location these three things: Your fully charged laptop, earbuds, and an independent reading book.

This week (May 14-18) is the final week to donate to the Campaign for Harlem Lacrosse – Boston. This program is new and the kids in it don’t just need lacrosse gear, they need athletic clothing and money to buy important equipment like goals and mouth guards. Please consider donating gear, clothing or money to this great cause. For more information or to make a donation go to

D&D meets today, Monday May 14 from 2:30-4:30 in Sanborn room 102.

Art Club meets in Ms. Shea’s art room on Wednesday, May 16 until 3:30.

“The student leaders have a box placed outside of the main office for any student who wants to make a donation to Let Girls Learn; the charity CMS has supported this year. Any amount is appreciated!”

6th graders are invited to Escape  Room Social/Fundraiser on Friday, May 18th at Peabody from 7pm-9pm.  Please click here to complete this survey by 2pm on Wednesday, May 16 so we know if you are coming and if you have an Escape Room team. Teams can be 4-10 students and will have about an hour to solve the Escape Room. We can take up to 10 teams. Winners will be entered in a raffle. You don’t have to sign up for Escape room to join us. Tickets will be $5 and all proceeds will go to Medfield Animal Shelter. Extra donations and snacks can be purchased for the fundraiser as well.

Chef’s Club: Meets again on Thursday, May 17 from 2:30-4:30 in the Sanborn FACS room.

Math team is continuing every Thursday until May 31. Open to all students!! We meet in Ms. Helinski’s room Peabody 217 and go until the first late bus. Take bus 30 to Peabody. Hope to see you there!

Peabody lost and found will be donated on Friday, May 18.

Animals and Planet Club meets on June 6 from 2:30-3:40 in the Sanborn Main Lab. We are also having a Pet Selfie Contest to raise money for the Medfield Animal Shelter! Enter a selfie of your pet in a box near the office! Just a 1$ entry fee! Please paperclip it to the photo! Winner gets a VIP with Mr. Cameron and their friends! Please help our club so we can help abandoned animals! Thanks!