Thursday, May 10 – B DAY

Green Team meets TODAY in room 109 at Sanborn until 3:30.

7th and 8th graders: Your last dance/social of the year is THIS Friday, 7pm to 9pm at Sanborn. It is a Black Out Dance. Cost is $10 at the door, all proceeds will go to the Sandy Hook Promise.

Chef’s Club: Meets today from 2:30-4:30 in the Sanborn FACS room.

Hawaii Club meets TODAY in room 206 at Sanborn after school until 330!

Intramural Tennis meets TODAY  at Rideout field. Please stop by the office for a bus pass.

Math team is continuing every Thursday until May 31. Open to all students!! We meet in Ms. Helinski’s room Peabody 217 and go until the first late bus. Take bus 30 to Peabody. Hope to see you there!

Intramural Softball meets every Wednesday and Thursday at Sanborn from 2:30-4:30.

Peabody lost and found will be donated on Friday, May 18.

Animals and Planet Club meets on June 6 from 2:30-3:40 in the Sanborn Main Lab. We are also having a Pet Selfie Contest to raise money for the Medfield Animal Shelter! Enter a selfie of your pet in a box near the office! Just a 1$ entry fee! Please paperclip it to the photo! Winner gets a VIP with Mr. Cameron and their friends! Please help our club so we can help abandoned animals! Thanks!