Friday, May 12-E DAY

The MCAS math will be administered TODAY at Sanborn for 7th graders. Students must make sure they arrive at school on time with a set of headphones and their fully charged laptops.  Any student who does not have access to headphones at home, please check in with the main office right away.  Please be sure to bring reading material to use while you are waiting for everyone to finish.

There will be no Engineers’ Club or Spider Team meeting after school on Monday the 15th or 22nd.

PEER MENTORS: Anyone interested in being a peer mentor next year must fill out an application (even if you are a returning mentor). The link to the application can be found on the library website:  Library Libguide  Applications will be accepted until May 15th; any 6th or 7th grader can submit an application (you do not have to have participated in the program this year to apply).  If you have any questions, Sanborn students should contact Mrs. Stockwood; Peabody students should contact Mrs. Echmalian.

Feminism Meeting at CMS: Come to Mod 2 on May 17th from 2:45-3:45 to talk about your thoughts on gender-related issues. There will be fun games and good discussions that will leave you feeling inspired and informed enough to start the conversation in other places. All grades invited!! (there will be food)

8th grade reminder: there will be a Washington Trip Meeting on Wednesday, May 17th in the Sanborn Auditorium from 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm.  The meeting is for both parents and students to attend.  We will review details of the trip (i.e. itinerary, bus assignments, chaperones, contact info, packing list, meals, departure and arrival, etc.).   All parents and their children are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting.

The CMS Green Team will have its last meeting of the year on Wednesday, May 17th in Ms. Shea’s classroom from 2:30-3:30pm. We will be wrapping up the season and doing some planning for next year. See Ms. Moran at Peabody or Ms. Shea at Sanborn with questions.