January 6, Principal’s Update

Dear CMS Families,

We want to acknowledge all of our teachers and students who worked for a couple of days without internet connections.  An issue with the town’s internet cabling interrupted service on Tuesday and Wednesday. Teachers and students exhibited great flexibility and instruction didn’t miss a beat even with a temporary drop in internet connectivity.

CMS 8th Grade World Language students have thoughtfully designed miniature villages as part of a cultural and language exploration. Students have created scaled replicas of shops and businesses that might be found in their country of study.  Students utilized digital models in Applied Technology classes to establish appropriate scale and structural accuracy.  The creation of these mini villages is the culmination of a multi-layered unit that has included the study of  architecture, comparisons between buildings in the U.S. and France/Spain/China, as well as practice asking and giving directions in their respective languages.  In the next weeks, parents will be invited to see these villages and view their student’s work.

We will send out links to the January House Newsletters early next week.


Principal’s Coffee January 11, Peabody Forum, 9:30 am
Sanborn World Language 8th-Grade Open House January 11, Sanborn WL Classrooms 7:40-8:10 am (Sanborn time)
Professional Day CMS – no school for students January 13
String Coffee House January 17, Peabody Forum, 7:00 pm
Peabody World Language 8th-Grade Open House January 20, Peabody WL Classrooms 7:40-8:10 am
Human Sexuality Parent Forum for 8th Grade Parents January 26, Peabody Forum, 7:00 – 8:00 pm

