March 13, 2016 Principal’s Update 22

Dear Families,

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weekend. Today I would like to share some information that may be helpful for you related to cell phones, which most CMS students carry, and social media.

Contact InformationIn addition to using caution when sharing one’s own contact information,  students should only share other people’s contact information (cell phone numbers and personal email addresses) with permission of the owner. Students have received unwanted texts because a friend has shared his/her cell number.

Posting Photos and Videos: Photos and video have become a part of daily life in the world of smartphones. They are a wonderful way to document experiences and preserve memories. However, it’s important for students to remember that this content should not be posted on the Internet without permission of those involved. It should go without saying that posting content that would be embarrassing to someone, or making fun of content that an individual posted his/herself would be considered hurtful behavior, and potentially bullying, depending on the circumstances.

Conflicts: Students should use wait time, and a cooling off period before sending a SnapChat, text, or email when upset with a peer. Having a conversation in person is almost always a better option than writing when there is a conflict. A hastily sent message can have a devastating effect on a friendship, even in situations that might have been easily resolved face-to-face.

Age Restrictions and Terms of Agreement: Parents, please be aware that many social media sites, like Facebook and Instagram, for example, prohibit use for children under the age of 13. Some allow parental permission, but others do not. You can find this information by going to the website of the app and checking the terms of agreement. This information is typically prominently posted.


Upcoming Events:

March Principal’s Coffee

Wednesday, March 16, 9:30-10:30 am, Peabody Forum

Among other topics raised by attending parents, we will discuss ideas for this year’s CMS Handbook update.

Special Education Parent Coffee

Thursday, March 24, 9:30-10:30 am, Peabody Forum

Program is intended for both parents of upcoming 6th graders, and for those who are interested in our special education services.

No School – Good Friday

Friday, March 26th

5th to 6th Grade Parent & Student Orientation Meeting

Wednesday, March 30, 6:30-8:00 pm, Sanborn Auditorium

CMS/Carlisle Middle School Instrumental Concert

Thursday, March 31, 7:00-9:00 pm, CCHA Auditorium

7th & 8th Grade Spring Dance

Friday, April 1, 7:00-9:00 pm, Sanborn Cafeteria

Tickets $5.00, sold at the door


Have a terrific week!


Lynne Beattie, CMS Principal