Class Expectations

Foreign Language Classroom Expectations








CONVERSATION – What is appropriate?

Conversation will be limited to the task at hand. If it’s not French/Spanish/Chinese related – it’s probably not appropriate.


HELP – When/How is it appropriate to ask for help?

Please do not interrupt the teacher when she is talking. Raise your hand and wait quietly for her to come to you.


ACTIVITY – What should you be doing?

When the teacher assigns you an activity you are expected to do it. These activities are designed to help you to practice your language skills. Make the most of this practice time and you will see a genuine increase in your ability to speak and to use the language.


MOVEMENT – What kind of movement in the classroom is permitted?

Please stay seated unless you are signing out to use the restroom or your teacher has given you directions that entail moving around the room.



PARTICIPATION – What does appropriate participation look like?

Raise your hand if you have something to say and please do not interrupt others while they are speaking.