Tuesday, December 20 – A DAY
This week is Spirit Week! Tuesday is Book/Movie Character Day; Wednesday is Hat Day; Thursday is Pajama Day; Friday is Ugly Sweater Day. During spirit week, we encourage you to bring in donations to your homeroom teachers to be donated to the Cam Neely Foundation. The Homeroom with the most donations by the end of spirit week will win 50 points towards the homeroom cup!
CMS – help a critically endangered animal. In Homeroom on Wednesday, login and click here to pick which critically endangered animal Animals and Planet will sponsor with your help. Click here for the survey. Homeroom teachers: please remind your class to do the survey on Wednesday, 12/21. Homerooms where everyone votes will get 50 points toward the homeroom cup!
Science Olympiad meets every Monday and Wednesday in room 108 until 4:30.
Green Team will have its next meeting on Wednesday December 21st at Peabody from 2:30-3:30pm! We will be enjoying Tasty Holiday Treats while planning our next green initiative at CMS. New members welcome. If you have questions please see Ms. Moran at Peabody or Ms. Shea at Sanborn.
Coats for Kids is not meeting this week.
Dungeon and Dragons will meet on Wednesday, December 21 in MOD 6 until 4:30.
Intramural floor hockey will be held Mondays and Wednesdays in the Peabody gym from 2:30-4:30. Take bus 14 at dismissal.
Intramural basketball we will meet every Thursday and Friday from 2:30-4:30 in the Peabody gym. These are the additional meeting dates: 12/22, 1/ 5, 1/ 6, 1/12 , 1/19, 1/20, 1/26 and 1 /26, 2/2 and 2/3. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Stern or Mr. Rubin. Take bus 14 at dismissal to Peabody.
Fashion Club meets on Thursday from 2:30-4:30 in the Sanborn FACS room. We will meet on Thursday, December 21 and January 5, 12 and 19th.