Wednesday, June 1 – C DAY

May 31, 2016 | News

6th Grade Chorus: Today is your after school rehearsal in the Sanborn auditorium from 2:30-4:30. When you arrive in the auditorium, sign in and sit down! Chorus Concerts: Please join us tomorrow, Thursday June 2nd for the CMS Spring Chorus Concerts. The 6th Grade Chorus concert is at 6:30pm and the 7th/8th Grade Chorus concert is at 7:30 pm. Honors Choir will be performing at both concerts. Performers must arrive 30 minutes before the concert! Reminder: All 8th graders going on the Public Works field trip on Thursday must return their signed permission slip to the office by TODAY. All

Tuesday, May 31 – B Day

May 27, 2016 | News

Check Your Email: It is important to check your school email regularly for a messages from teachers, library, etc. FL Building -For students who have a building being displayed in the library: The Library has asked that students please pick up their buildings from the Main Library (129 Main Street) by next Wednesday, June 1st. If your building is not picked up at this time your building will be recycled. Animals and Planet last meetings for 2016 will be 6/8 and 6/15, 2:30-3:40 in the Sanborn Main Lab. Because of choir rehearsal we won’t meet on 6/1. Reminder: If you

Friday, May 27-A DAY

May 26, 2016 | News

Let’s welcome Noah Pavlov who will be moving here in the fall.  Noah will shadow  Marco Brunette for the day. FL Building -For students who have a building being displayed in the library: The Library has asked that students please pick up their buildings from the Main Library (129 Main Street) by next Wednesday, June 1st. If your building is not picked up at this time your building will be recycled. Animals and Planet last meetings for 2016 will be 6/8 and 6/15, 2:30-3:40 in the Sanborn Main Lab. Because of choir rehearsal we won’t meet on 6/1. Reminder: If

Thursday, May 26 – F DAY

May 25, 2016 | News

LAST CALL FOR STUDENT LEADER APPLICATIONS.  Any 7th grader that would like to apply to be a student leader next year must submit an application by this Friday, May 27th.  Click here to submit your application online:  STUDENT LEADER APPLICATION (The appl. link is also posted on the library libguide homepage) ATTENTION Sanborn 7th graders:  All MFA permission slips must be in ASAP to Mr. Revell or Ms. Bochicchio. Chef’s Club meets today and June 2 in the Sanborn FACS room. Lego Robotics meets on Friday from 2:30-4:30 in room 108 at Sanborn.  Come learn how to build and program

Wednesday, May 25 – E DAY

May 24, 2016 | News

LAST CALL FOR STUDENT LEADER APPLICATIONS.  Any 7th grader that would like to apply to be a student leader next year must submit an application by this Friday, May 27th.  Click here to submit your application online:  STUDENT LEADER APPLICATION (The appl. link is also posted on the library libguide homepage) ATTENTION Sanborn 7th graders:  All MFA permission slips must be in TODAY to Mr. Revell or Ms. Bochicchio. 7th and 8th Grade Chorus Reminder: After School rehearsal is today at Sanborn from 2:30-4:30pm. Lego Robotics meets TODAY and Friday from 2:30-4:30 in room 108 at Sanborn.  Come learn how

Tuesday, May 24 – D Day

May 23, 2016 | News

ATTENTION Sanborn 7th graders:  All MFA permission slips must be in by Wednesday, May 25th to Mr. Revell or Ms. Bochicchio. 7th and 8th Grade Chorus Reminder: After School rehearsal this Wednesday, May 25 at Sanborn from 2:30-4:30pm. The CMS tennis program is now being held at the Thoreau Club. You will be taking Bus# 60 to the Thoreau Club.  New rosters have been posted so please check the  Peabody and Sanborn main offices to see what day you will be playing. The ‘A’ team meets on Mondays. The ‘B’ team meets on Thursdays.  Any questions, contact Ms. Talbot @

Principal’sUpdate May 22, 2016

May 22, 2016 | News

News Summer Reading You may or may not be aware that research indicates that summer reading helps mitigate the “summer slide” in knowledge and skills. For the past several years we have taken a “one school, one book” approach to summer reading. This year’s summer reading program has been designed to incorporate choice and fun, and it supports our efforts to build a community of reading at CMS.  The books that are read and activities completed this summer will lay the groundwork for a school wide “survivor” game that will start when students return in the fall.  Watch for information

Monday, May 23 – C Day

May 20, 2016 | News

Today Sanborn 6 & 8 PARCC With the warmer days here, a reminder of the Concord Middle School dress code for all students: Shorts should be an appropriate length – they should be no shorter than the length of your arms  when held at your side and should not have rips or tears. Undergarments should not be visible and no crop tops or cropped tee-shirts. If a student is dressed inappropriately, they will be asked to go to the office/nurse for a shirt or call home. 7th and 8th Grade Chorus Reminder: After School rehearsal this Wednesday, May 25 at

Friday, May 20 – B DAY

May 19, 2016 | News

TODAY- Peabody 6 & 7 PARCC Monday, Sanborn 6 & 8 PARCC With the warmer days here, a reminder of the Concord Middle School dress code for all students: Shorts should be an appropriate length – they should be no shorter than the length of your arms  when held at your side and should not have rips or tears. Undergarments should not be visible and no crop tops or cropped tee-shirts. If a student is dressed inappropriately, they will be asked to go to the office/nurse for a shirt or call home. The girls’ softball and intramural practice is cancelled

Thursday, May 19 – A Day

May 18, 2016 | News

Today, Sanborn 7 & 8  Peabody 8 PARCC Friday, Peabody 6 & 7 PARCC Monday, Sanborn 6 & 8 PARCC NO HOMEWORK CLUB TODAY AT SANBORN. Chorus Solos: Today is the last day to audition for a Chorus solo. Please sign up for a time after school or email Mr. Rivenburgh by the end of the school day. With the warmer days here, a reminder of the Concord Middle School dress code for all students: Shorts should be an appropriate length – they should be no shorter than the length of your arms when held at your side and should