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CMS Interscholastic Sports Overview

Important Note: Please regularly check the CMS Daily Announcements Page for the latest updates, as the information below may change and this page may not always be updated.

Middle School Athletic Director:
Brian Revell, 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher
email: Brian Revell

Visit the CMS Community Events Google Calendar

Philosophy of Athletics

At Concord Middle School, we believe athletics provide valuable opportunities for students to develop physically, mentally, and emotionally. Competing in sports is seen as a healthy educational and psychological activity. It challenges students to excel, helps them discover their physical limits, and teaches the importance of teamwork. While winning is a natural goal, good sportsmanship and the enjoyment of competition are our top priorities, enhancing the educational value of contests.

Intramural Sports
  • Eligibility: All grade levels
  • Environment: Less competitive, no tryouts
  • Focus: Introduction to sports, teaching basic skills, and fostering enjoyment
  • Schedule: Two times each week from 2:30-4:30 PM
Interscholastic Sports
  • Eligibility: 7th and 8th-grade students (6th graders may join the Cross Country team without tryouts)
  • Tryouts: Required before the season; students and parents must sign a tryout expectations form download form
  • Practice: Four times each week from 2:30-4:30 PM
  • Competition: Against other schools
  • Requirement: Current physical on file to participate

Please regularly check the CMS Daily Announcements Page for updates, as information may change and this page may not always be updated.