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Welcome to Student Services

In accordance with IDEA-2004, each school-age child with special needs is entitled to an appropriate and individualized educational program. Eligibility for special education services is determined by two criteria: 1) an inability to progress effectively in a regular educational program, and 2) a need for special education intervention due to temporary or permanent adjustment difficulties, or conditions arising from intellectual, sensory, emotional, or physical factors, cerebral dysfunctions, perceptual factors, other specific learning disabilities, or a combination of these factors.

When concerns arise about a child's performance in school, a referral for an evaluation can be made by school personnel, parents/guardians, judicial officers, social workers, family physicians, or the child. Referrals should be directed to the guidance counselor or building principal.

Based on the referral concerns and questions, an evaluation will be conducted by trained personnel in agreed-upon areas (such as reading, mathematics, cognition, etc.) by members of the evaluation TEAM, which includes parents/guardians. If the child is found to have special needs that cannot be adequately met within regular education, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) must be developed and signed by parents/guardians before the child can begin receiving special education services. The Special Education Department at the middle school offers a range of services to meet individual student needs, including:

  • Supporting student performance in regular education classes
  • Providing consultation to regular education teachers regarding curriculum modification or behavior management techniques
  • Small group remedial instruction in workshops
  • A counseling group addressing the affective, social, and personal development of students
  • Speech and language services, and occupational therapy services

These services are specifically prescribed for a student based on the recommendations of the Evaluation TEAM. Each student's progress is reviewed annually at a meeting convened by the Case Manager assigned to the student. Additionally, every three years, a student undergoes reevaluation in the previously assessed areas. At every step of the process, parental consent and involvement are mandatory.

For more specific information about special education services, contact Student Services at Ripley at 978-341-2490 x8105 or x8106.

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