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Welcome to the Social Studies Department

We are excited to announce the revision of our curriculum with new units of study in 6th and 8th grades. Please note that the Atlas Curriculum Maps do not yet reflect these recent changes.


Last year, a K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Committee reviewed and mapped our district's units of study. By aligning these with the MA Social Studies Frameworks, we identified the need for curriculum revisions. Social Studies teachers from CMS attended the National Council for Social Studies conference in Washington, DC, to explore new curricula and brought back their recommendations. After a thorough review, we selected the National Geographic program for this year's pilot.

Why National Geographic?

National Geographic integrates authentic exploration and media into a standards-based program, creating a shared and immersive learning experience for all students.

What’s Next?

Our teachers have been diligently working over the summer to revise the curriculum. They are eager to see how students respond to the new approaches in grades 6 & 8. We encourage you to ask your children about their experiences and provide feedback as the year progresses.


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