Links/Online learning elementary strings
April 6-17
I've created some choices for you to do. Click here for the handout file.
March 30-April 3rd
*NEW* I will be available on Zoom this week on the day of your lesson at 10-10:30am (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday). I will email the link to the Zoom session before it starts. Please ask your parents to help you log in if you have a question, need help tuning, need help on your instrument or just want to say 'hello' 🙂
March 23-27
Listen to this concert:
How to change a string:
Tuning Cello
March 16h-20
Grade 5
Listen to the pieces on my webpage. You'll need to click on "grade 5" on the left hand side of my website.
You can try playing along with the recordings. Please work on "Desert Sands" the most this week and be sure to be able to play your section solo melody.
Grade 4
Please continue to fill out your log and practice 80 minutes a week. Please ask your parents to initial the log weekly.
You should have your HW assignment in the book. Each class has a different one. Please refer to your practice log or the sticky note if you did not have your book last week. Please continue working on that (3 pieces a week). When you have mastered those lines, you may go on in the book. The string karate belts are (optional for those who would like to do extra):
White-#22, Yellow-#43, Orange-#76, Green-#81, Red-#86, Blue-#88, Purple-#90, Brown-#92, Black-#193
You can go online to, use the password from the front of your book and play the learned pieces with a recorded accompaniment.
Perform for your parents!
Have fun!
Symphony Pro Musica concerts
Concord Orchestra concerts
Summer Camps.
Concord Recreation 5 session mini summer course.
Camps all over US.